RJMT Vol. 13, Nr. 1 (June 2024)
  1. 3D printing and laser cutting of architectural heritage for use in mathematics education, Sergio Alonso, Álvaro Martínez-Sevilla, (1)
  2. Problems in Randomization of Online Question Banks (Case Studies), Ildikó Perjési-Hámori, Dóra M. Szegő (19)
  3. Inversion of Equiangular Spirals, Elias Abboud, (31)
  4. Easy (but exact) study of caustics of conics, Zoltán Kovács (39)
  5. A STEAM approach to canal surfaces, Thierry Dana-Picard, (60)
RJMT Vol. 12, Nr. 2 (December 2023)
  1. Another Topological View of Curves and Surfaces Inspired by 2D and 3D Locus Problems, Wei-Chi Yang, Guillermo Davila, Weng Kin Ho, (1)
  2. Exploration of envelopes of parameterized families of surfaces in a technology-rich environment, Thierry Dana-Picard (24)
  3. The use of technology in teaching and learning the topic of probability and statistics in school mathematics, Bederiana Shyti, Dhurata Valera, Diana Starja, (48)
  4. Basic Mathematical Computations inside LaTeX using Lua, Chetan Shirore, Ajit Kumar, (59)
  5. Exact Orbits of Light Rays Reflected Inside Ellipses, Traced by Means of Rational Formulae with the Help of the CAS Derive™ 6, Aldo Boiti, (68)
  6. Locus of viewpoints from which a conic appears circular, Makoto Kishine, Yoichi Maeda, (81)
RJMT Vol. 12, Nr. 1 (June 2023)
  1. Computation as a Big Idea in Mathematics, Weng Kin HO, (1)
  2. Convex Polytiles Enumerations (part 1b) Zonogons, Progons, and Exotics, Thomas L Ruen, (24)
  3. Understanding Geometric Pattern and its Geometry Part 8 – Designing patterns with alternative tessellations in decagonal geometry, Mirosław Majewski, (56)
  4. Creating QR Codes Using Maplets, Adam S. Downs, Neil P. Sigmon, Richard E. Klima, (60)
  5. Matrix decomposition by transforming the unit sphere to an Ellipsoid through Dilation, Rotation and Shearing, Wei-Chi Yang, AmirHosein Sadeghimanesh, (91)
  6. Repeating Decimal Expansions in Different Bases, Michael J. Bosse, William J. Cook, (106)
RJMT Vol. 11, Nr. 2 (December 2022)
  1. Locus Surfaces and Linear Transformations when Fixed Point is at an Infinity, Wei-Chi Yang, Antonio Morante (1)
  2. Offsets of Cassini Ovals, Thierry (Noah) Dana-Picard, Zoltán Kovács, (25)
  3. The Polish Cryptanalysis of Enigma, Richard E. Klima, Neil P. Sigmon (40)
  4. Exploring Geometric Conjectures with the help of a Learning Environment - A Case Study with Pre-Service Teachers, Vanda Santos, Pedro Quaresma (60)
  5. Understanding Geometric Pattern and its Geometry Part 7 – What can go wrong? Miroslaw Majewski (73)
  6. Case Study of an Online Course on Introductory Mathematics for Artificial Intelligence, Sang-Gu Lee, Jae Hwa Lee, Youngju L. Nielsen, Ho Kyoung Ko (92)
RJMT Vol. 11, Nr. 1 (June 2022)
  1. Understanding Geometric Pattern and its Geometry, Part 5 – Patterns on tessellations with regular tiles, Miroslaw Majewski (1)
  2. Polytiles: Equilateral and Equiangular Polygons (part 1a), Thomas L Ruen, (19)
  3. Synthetic Division: Connecting with Other Mathematical Ideas, Katrina Palmer, Jaehee Post, Michael Bossé, and others (40)
  4. How Software can Revolutionize the Way, We Teach Graphing a Function, Vladimir Nodelman (53)
  5. Teaching graph theory from a STEM perspective: selected examples of interdisciplinary problems, Mariana Durcheva, Pavel Tsankov (73)
  6. Extending envelope computations in Computer Algebra/Dynamic Geometry environments, Agustín Carrillo de Albornoz, Tomas Recio (92)
RJMT Vol. 10, Nr. 2 (December 2021)
  1. Appreciating functional programming: A beginner’s tutorial to HASKELL illustrated with applications in numerical methods, Chu Wei Lim and Weng Kin Ho (1)
  2. Types of Infinity, William J. Cook & Michael J. Bosse (32)
  3. Using Wikis to Support Student Inquiry in Large Math Classes, Parker Glynn-Adey (46)
  4. Using Excel and GSP as computer-based mathematical tools to assist secondary students setting up models with exponential and cosine functions, Tran Vui (62)
  5. A three-dimensional model of SL(2;R) and the hyperbolic pattern of SL(2;Z), Yoichi Maeda (74)
  6. Some Elementary Results Related to the Cauchy’s Mean Value Theorem, German Lozada-Cruz (82)
RJMT Vol. 10, Nr. 1 (June 2021)
  1. Interesting Discoveries Through Technologies and Reflections Along Circles, Wei-Chi YANG, Guillermo Davila and Yong Huang (1)
  2. 3D Locus Problems of Lines Passing Through A Fixed Point, Wei-Chi YANG and Antonio Morante (22)
  3. Understanding Geometric Pattern and its Geometry Part 2-Decagonal Diversity, Miroslaw Majewski (44)
  4. Geometric Pattern and its Geometry Part 4-Geometry from the Mughals' land, Miroslaw Majewski (60)
  5. Networking of technologies: a dialog between CAS and DGS, Thierry (Noah) Dana-Picard and Zoltán Kovács     (80)
  6. Q2 : A Measure of Linearity, Eric Marland, Gregory Rhoads, Michael J. Bosse, Joel Sanqui, and William Bauldry (97)
  7. Visualizing the p-value and understanding hypothesis testing concepts using simulation in R, Leslie Chandrakantha (109)

RJMT Vol. 9, Nr. 2 (December 2020)
  1. Locus Problems When Reversing Traveling Direction,
    Wei-Chi YANG, Antonio MORANTE 1
  2. Understanding Geometric Pattern and its Geometry (Part 1),
    Miroslaw MAJEWSKI 15
  3. Coding and GUI Use in the Teaching of Undergraduate Numerical Analysis,
    Paul VON DOHLEN 35
  4. Modelling Between Physics and Mathematics,
    Thomas LINGEFJARD 45
  5. Locus Resulted from Lines Passing Through A Fixed Point and A Closed Curve,
    Wei-Chi YANG 54
  6. Dynamically Reconstructed Proof Visualizations in Real Analysis,
    Nicholas H. WASSERMAN 71
  7. TEX Math Here: A Simple, Unified, and Efficient Model for Web-based Math Composition,

RJMT Vol. 9, Nr. 1 (June 2020)
  1. Technology Changing Statistics Education:
    Defining Possibilities, Opportunities and Obligation,
    Martin ANDRE, Zsolt LAVICZA 1
  2. Exploiting Excel’s Data Table Creatively in the Study of Mathematics,
    Deane ARGANBRIGHT, Graham SUPIRI 13
  3. The Euler Line: Students’ Explorations in a Dynamic Geometry Environment,
    Thomas LINGEFJARD, Jonaki B. GHOSH 28
  4. Use of Real Data and R Programming in Understanding
    the Confidence Intervals for Mean and Variance,
  5. Use of Real Data and R Programming in Understanding
    the Confidence Intervals for Mean and Variance,
    Guillermo DAVILÁ-RASC
    ÓN, Wei-Chi YANG 62

RJMT Vol. 8, Nr. 2 (December 2019)
  1. Flipped Class with Electronic Book and SageMathCell for Linear Algebra,
    Natanael KARJANTO, Sang-Gu LEE, Jae Hwa LEE 1
  2. Quasi-Systematic Minimalism within Socio-Constructivist Learning of Mathematics,
    Lasse ERONEN, 13
  3. Counterexamples in Mathematics Education: Why, Where, and How? --- Software Aspect: Limit of a Function,
    Vladimir NODELMAN, 48
  4. Locus Problems Related to Linear Combinations of Vectors,
    Wei-Chi YANG, Douglas B. MEADE, 73
  5. Synchronization of Dynamical Systems: An Approach Using a Computer Algebra System,
    Guillermo DAVILA-RASCON, Antonio MORANTE, Jose A. VALLEJO, 95

RJMT Vol. 8, Nr. 1 (June 2019)
  1. Automated Study Of Envelopes: The transition from 2D to 3D,
    Thierry DANA-PICARD, Nurit ZEHAVI 1
  2. Wise Use Of GeoGebra Supported By An Evaluation Routine,
    Zoltan KOVACS, Zsuzsanna COLE, 16
  3. Analysis of the Usefulness of Teaching Materials Including Sound Created by KeTCindy,
    Koji NISHIURA, 25
  4. Teaching materials for an elementary differential geometry course using KeTCindy,
    Takeo NODA, Setsuo TAKATO, 36
  5. Why and how to implement a digital measuring tool that supports the rotational angle aspect,
    Daniel MILOW, 47
  6. Do Calculators Support Inductive Thinking?,
    Eszter KONYA, Zoltan KOVACS, 61

RJMT Vol. 7, Nr. 2 (December 2018)
  1. Ribbon Patterns with Geometry Software,
    Miroslaw MAJEWSKI 1
  2. Counterexamples in Mathematics Education: Why, Where, and How? - Software Aspect,
    Vladimir NODELMAN, 21
  3. A Proposed Method for Designing Diagnostic Mathematics Test,
    Kevin K.H. CHEUNG, Brett STEVENS, Yunkai WANG, 33
  4. Discrete Dynamical Systems with SageMath,
    Simon KAPCAK, 44
  5. Simulating Sampling Distribution on the Mean in R,
    Leslie CHANDRAKANTHA, 61

RJMT Vol. 7, Nr. 1 (June 2018)
  1. Locating Complex Roots in the Graphs of Rational Functions,
    Michael J. BOSSE, William BAULDRY, Steven H. OTEY 1
  2. Number theory and cryptography in your smartphone,
    Rub� IPI�A and Jos� A VALLEJO, 9
  3. 3D Formulas for Spreadsheets,
    �ystein NORDVIK, 26
  4. Using Dynamic Software to Teach Mathematical Concepts: The Cases of GeoGebra and Microsoft Mathematics,
    Seyum Tekeher GETENET, 35
  5. Investigative Activity for Discovering Hidden Geometric Properties,
    Moseh STUPEL, Avi SIGLER, Adan TAL, 57
  6. Finding the location of the axes, the vertices and the foci of a parabola, an ellipse and a hyperbola using a straightedge and a compass,
    Shula WEISSMAN, Moshe STUPEL, Avi SIGLER, 71

RJMT Vol. 6, Nr. 2 (December 2017)
  1. Discrepancy potential as a lens to designing and researching technology-based mathematics education tasks,
    Yip-Cheung CHAN, 1
  2. Automated Study of Envelopes: the transition from 1-parameter to 2-parameter families of surfaces,
    Thierry DANA-PICARD, Nurit ZEHAVI, 11
  3. Collaborative use of KeTCindy with other mathematical tools,
    Masataka KANEKO, Satoshi YAMASHITA, HIdeyo MAKISHITA, Koji NISHIURA, Setsuo TAKATO, 25
  4. Introducing MATLAB into High School Mathematics,
    Ian Allan THOMSON, 37
  5. 2D and 3D Loci Inspired by an Entrance Problem and Technologies,
    Wei-Chi YANG, Vladimir SHELOMOVSKII, 49

RJMT Vol. 6, Nr. 1 (June 2017)
  1. Visualizing the roots of a cubic equation,
    Pall-Szabo Agnes ORSOLYA, 1
  2. Learning Mathematics in Secondary School through Technology Enabled Explorations: A Perspective from India,
    Jonaki B GHOSH, 16
  3. Surprising Geometrical Properties that are Obtained by Transforming any Quadrilateral into a Lattice,
    Ruti SEGAL, Moshe STUPEL, Avi SIGLER, 33
  4. Circle Construction of Polynomial Complex Roots,
    William C. BAULDRY, Michael J. BOSSE, S. Huntery OTEY, 42
  5. From Static Locus Problems to Exploring Mathematics with Technological Tools,
    Wei-Chi YANG, 53
  6. Virtual Pascal's Triangles: The Ballot Problem and the Method of Images,
    Chris McCARTHY, Johannes FAMILTON, 75

RJMT Vol. 5, Nr. 2 (December 2016)
  1. Flipping Calculus: The Potential Influence, and the Lessons Learned,
    Caleb ADAMS, Anthony DOVE, 1
  2. On Generating Interleaved Spaced Practice Schedules,
    Kevin K.H. CHEUNG, 11
  3. Exploring Runge-Kutta Formulas with a Computer Algebra System,
    Alasdair McANDREW, 24
  4. Using Cellphones as Virtual Clickers in a Mathematics Classroom,
    Kirthi PREMADASA, Tharanga WIJETUNGE, Kavita BHATIA, 41
  5. Improvements on the Peer-Instruction Method: A Case Study in Multivariable Calculus,
    Louise-Philippe SAUMIER, 54

RJMT Vol. 5, Nr. 1 (June 2016)
  1. Locus and Optimization Problems in Lower and Higher Dimensions,
    Alasdair McANDREW, Wei-Chi YANG, 1
  2. Introduction to Truss Structures Optimization with Python,
    Ernesto ARANDA, José Carlos BELLIDO, 16
  3. Application of Progressive Discovery as a Teaching Aid Using MathDisk,
    Ajit KUMAR, Sang-Gu LEE, Ashraf SHARFUDEEN, 33
  4. Revisiting Geometric Construction using Geogebra,
    Glenn LAIGO, Abdul Hadi BHATTI, Lakshmi KAMESWARI, Haftamu Menker GebreYOHANNES, 43
  5. Exploring the potential of digital technologies for the teaching and learning of functions: the case of Casyopée,
    Tran Kiem MINH, 52
  6. Students' Algebraic Thinking and Attitudes towards Algebra: The Effects of Game-Based Learning using Dragonbox 12 + App,
    Nyet Moi SIEW, Jolly GEOFREY, Bih Ni LEE, 66
  7. Using Force to Crack Some Geometry Chestnuts,
    Philip TODD, 80

RJMT Vol. 4, Nr. 2 (December 2015)
  1. An investigative task incorporating computerized technology with conserved property and generalization,
    Ruti SEGAL, Moshe STUPEL, 1
  2. Finding the center of a circle by constructions using a straightedge only - investigation of cases,
    Victor OXMAN, Moshe STUPEL, Avi SIGLER, 17
  3. Introducing Queuing Theory Through Simulations,
    Wan Mei Amanda SOON, Keng-Cheng ANG, 33
  4. Examining the Influence of a Flipped Mathematics Course on Preservice Elementary Teachers' Mathematics Anxiety and Achievement,
    Anthony DOVE, Emily DOVE, 48
  5. Extreme Lengths for Chords of an Ellipse,
    Wei-Chi YANG, Vladimir SHELOMOVSKII, Skip THOMPSON, 64
  6. Simulating One-Way ANOVA Using Resampling,
    Leslie CHANDRAKANTHA, 76
  7. Mathematics Intelligent Learning Environment,
    Hongguang FU , Xiuqin ZHONG , Zhong LIU, 91
  8. Exploring bicentric polygons,
    Alasdair MCANDREW, 103

RJMT Vol. 4, Nr. 1 (June 2015)
  1. Framework to Integrate Spreadsheet into the Teaching and Learning of Financial Mathematics,
    Chee-Kong CHONG, Marzita PUTEH, Swe-Choo GOH, 1
  2. A Software Tool to Improve Teaching Numerical Methods,
    María GOMÉZ, Elsa BAÉZ, Jorge CERVANTES, Alejandra GARCÍA, and Rogelio RAMOS, 16
  3. Exploring Bicentric Polygons,
    Alasdair McAndrew, 33
  4. Nonlinear Space Transformations and Educational Software,
    Vladimir Nodelman, 45
  5. Shortest Total Distance Traveled Among Curves, Surfaces and Lagrange Multipliers,
    Wei-Chi Yang, Yunhao Fu, 107

RJMT Vol. 3, Nr. 2 (December 2014)
  1. A Tour Through the Partially Tamed World of Visual Geometry, Jen-chung Chuan, 1
  2. GeoGebra in Teaching and Learning Introductory Statistics, Theodosia Prodromou, 17
  3. Key factors for Successful Integration of Technology into the Classroom: Textbooks and Teachers, Hee-Chan Lew, Seo-Young Jeong, 31
  4. Preservice Teachers' Conception of Website Quality and the Potential Usage of Internet-based Resources in Mathematics Teaching, Ji-Won Son, Qingtong Hu, 51
  5. Item Bank System for the Mathematics e-Learning System STACK, Yasuyuki Nakamura, Tetsuya Taniguchi, Takahiro Nakahara, 77
  6. How teachers can use TI-Nspire CAS with laptops in an upper secondary course, Per-Eskil Persson, 86
  7. Cognitive workload and mathematics instructional design for non-users of mathematical software applications Liew Kee KOR, Jacqueline Bee-Peng CHUAH, 102
  8. Computing Asymptotic Merit Factors with Language C, Tingyao Xiong, Wei-Chi Yang, 114
  9. Computer Algebra System (CAS) Usage and Sustainability in University Mathematics Instruction: Findings from an International Study, Daniel H. Jarvis, Chantal Buteau, Zsolt Lavicza, 126

RJMT Vol. 3, Nr. 1 (June 2014)
  1. Metric Spaces and Their Geometries via Excel,
    Deane E. Arganbright, 1
  2. Technology as a Partner in Geometry Classrooms,Dragana Martinovic, Agida G. Manizade, 20
  3. Learning Design Map (LDMap) for Mathematics Teachers in Developing Countries and the Benefit of Its Use for Curriculum Review, Maman Fathurrohman, Anne Porter, Annette L. Worthy, 38
  4. The Role Of Virtual Manipulatives On The Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract Approach In Teaching Primary Mathematics, LEE Ngan Hoe, TAN Boon Leong Jeremy, 56
  5. Development of the project: visualisations of transformations, Mette Andresen, 78
  6. Teachers Practices and Professional Geneses with ICT, Mariam Haspekian, 96
  7. Domain Specific Language Approach to Technology-enhanced Learning, Pozdniakov Sergei, Ilya Posov, 106
  8. Visualizing and Understanding Confidence Intervals and Hypothesis Testing Using Excel Simulation, Leslie Chandrakantha, 117
  9. Applying Bruner’s Theory of Representation to Teach Pre-Algebra and Algebra Concepts to Community College Students Using Virtual Manipulatives, Serigne Mbaye Gningue, Violeta C. Menil, Eric Fuchs, 126
  10. Effectiveness of SMART Board use in the Teaching and Learning of Statistics, Patricia May, 144
  11. More on Geometrical Constructions of a Tangent to a Circle with a Straightedge only, Moshe Stupel, Victor Oxman, Avi Sigler, 154
  12. Visualizing Fractions, �ystein Nordvik, 168
  13. Teaching Sound Waves and Sinusoids Using Audacity and the TI-Nspire,
    Mark Russo, 179
  14. An Eclectic Approach to the Teaching of Calculus, Michel Helfgott, 186
    Comparison of Pricing Models with Simulated Demand Data,
  15. Soon Wan Mei Amanda, Ang Keng Cheng, Teo Kok Ming, 197
  16. Geometry of Bee Cells Rediscovered, Dusan Vallo, Viliam Duris, Lucia Rumanova, 213
  17. Propagation of Love type wave in piezoelectric layer overlying non-homogeneous
    half-space, Santanu Manna, Santimoy Kundu and Shishir Gupta, 230

RJMT Vol. 2, Nr. 2 (December 2013)
  1. On the Classification of Parametric Cubic Curves, Skip Thompson, 1
  2. Systematic Calculation of Loop Points for Parametric Curves, Skip Thompson, 10
  3. The Area of the Solid of Intersection of a Sphere and an Ellipsoid, a First Approach
    Skip Thompson, Wei-Chi Yang and Vladimir Shelmovskij, 29
  4. Deepening the content knowledge of area and perimeter with GeoGebra, Libu�e Samkov�, 41
    Chaotic dynamics with Maxima, Antonio Morante and Jos� A. Vallejo, 50
  5. An introduction to elliptic curve cryptography: an explicit approach, Carlos Casta�o Bernard, 75
    3D in Ti-Nspire and GeoGebra, �ystein Nordvik, 95
  6. The Finite Element Method with FreeFem++ for beginners, Roberto Font and Francisco Periago, 107
  7. Rotation Minimizing Frames and their Application to the Visualization of Chemical Reactions,
    J. V. Beltran, P. Lahuerta, M. Mochalski, J. Monterde, 126
  8. The SVD and some applications in digital image processing, M. Dolores Mart�nez, Javier Pastor, 144

RJMT Vol. 2, Nr. 1 (June 2013)
  1. Optimization of the Courses in Geometry by the Usage of Dynamic Geometry Software Sam, S. Karaibryamov, B. Tsareva and B. Zlatanov. 1
  2. Teaching Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry using Computer Algebra Systems, M. Monagan, 32
  3. Software Tools for Visualizing Multivalued Functions,
    G. Katz and V. Nodelman, 42
  4. A New Practical Generalized Derivative for Non-smooth Functions, M. H. Noori Skandari, A. V. Kamyad, and H. R.Erfanian, 56
  5. Finding volumes between a quadric surface and a plane,
    V. Shelomovskii and Wei-Chi Yang, 70
  6. General Inverses in 2-D, 3-D, applications inspired by Technology, Wei-Chi Yang and Min-Lin Lo, 95
  7. Visual angle on the unit sphere, Yoichi Maeda, 113
  8. Equations of the spherical conics, Altunkaya B., Yaylı Y., Hacısalihoğlu H. H., Arslan F., 121

RJMT Vol. 1, Nr. 2 (December 2012)
  1. Estimation of the Hurst exponent for market indices by use of rescaled range method and CAS Mathematica, Zuzanna Rzeszotko, 1
  2. Computed signed areas and volumes with Maple, Shengxiang Xia, Wei-Chi Yang, Vladimir V. Shelomovskii, 13
  3. A blended multisite workshop in mathematics using inquiry, technology and collaboration: discrete mathematics and statistics, Laurie A. Dunlap, Antonio R. Quesada, 33 
  4. Computing multiple integrals by Matlab, Shengxiang Xia, 53
  5. Dynamic and visuospatial techniques mediated by technology for the algebraic activity, Giampaolo Chiappini, Bettina Pedemonte, 69
  6. Elementary proof of Pavillet tetrahedron properties, Axel Pavilet and Vladimir V. Shelomovskii, 87
  7. Enhancing learning of fraction through the use of virtual manipulatives, 
    Ngan Hoe Lee, Beverly J. Ferrucci, 97
  8. Looking at groups, John W. Jones, 111
  9. Investigation of logarithmic spirals in nature by means of dynamic geometry and computer algebra systems,  Roman Hasek, 121
  10. Single server retrieval  queuing system with second optional service under coaxial phase type services, A. Muthu Ganapathi Subramanian, G. Ayyappan, Gopal Sekar, 135

RJMT Vol. 1, Nr. 1 (June 2012)
  1. Developing the Concept of a Determinant Using DGS, Ana Donevska Todorova, page 1
  2. Mean Value Theorems in Higher Dimensions and Their Applications, WeiChi Yang, Vladimir Shelomovskiy, page 11
  3. Implementing the RSA cryptosystem with Maxima CAS, Juan Monterde, Jos�e A. Vallejo, page 28
  4. Automated Derivation of Geometry Theorems, Pavel Pech, page 48
  5. Development of Creativity Using 3D Dynamic Geometry System GInMA, Vladimir Shelomovskiy, Svetlana Nosulya, page 70
  6. Introducing Algebra with Interactive Geometry Software, Kate Mackrell, page 91
  7. Parametric Equations and Computer Animations, Proposals for Mathematics Education at High Schools, Andreas Filler, page 110.